Move Your Body!

Posted by February 13, 2020 Uncategorized No Comments


Last week we focused in on being kind to ourselves through listening to the messages that our body gave us.  We took a few minutes here and there to just, relax and breathe. This week, I want you to MOVE! I want you to get up and stretch, dance, shake it off, move your limbs.  I understand that, for a lot of us, the first reaction is to balk. But hear me out! I am not asking you to begin some hardcore regimen or begin jogging every day before the sun even rises.  I am only asking for five minutes. Five minutes of every day where you just…move. Put on a fast beat song that you love and dance to it. Get out the yoga ball and use it to roll on to stretch out your spine or use it to do five minutes of abdominal crunches.  Do you work in an office? Set a timer and get up and stretch every couple of hours so your body stays limber and doesn’t get tensed up. For those of you who feel like being a bit more adventurous, and really want to take on a bigger challenge, why not go and try out a new exercise class, there’s even some really creative new classes out there, like aerial yoga or yoga with goats, and new exercise videos that are all about just dancing. Remember this is still about YOU, what you like, what makes you happy.  This is no different. As we tell our children, you only have to try it once, after that, you are under no obligation to continue if you find it isn’t to your liking. BUT, if you don’t try it, you will never know.

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