What is Employee Wellness Coaching?
Work- life balance is essential to combat stress, ensuring both individual and company success. The stress associated with unbalanced lifestyles is costly; it damages productivity and increases individual health risks. Employees who have the tools to balance their professional and personal lives are happier, healthier, and more productive. By the end of this program, participants should be able to explain the benefits of work life balance, improve time management and goal setting, and use the most effective work methods for themselves.
Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. This workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system. A few things the participants will be able to accomplish with the help of this course are being able to better cope with major events, use routines to reduce stress, and to understand what lifestyle elements you can change to reduce stress.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” We would like to add a third item to his list: anger. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets out of hand. However, since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. This workshop will help teach participants how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when their angry. A few tools that participants will be given include knowing the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger, knowing tips in identifying the problem, and understanding the difference between objective and subjective language.